21 September 2012

Shakespeare was not right

Hello there, 

First i would like to introduce myself  myname. Although Shakespare said what is in name. I will keep moving on

My Name is Ivandito Herdayanditya. it is long enough, isn't it? Believe me no one has spelled it right at the first time they met me. You did it, didn't you?

What is good of having this is, I can have a lot of the nicknames of me. In my Elementary School, i was completely called Dito. In my Junior High School, i was called either Ivan or Dito. But... In My Senior High School, here I am now, Everyone calls me Ivan. See we need 3 years to completely change our name.

Ivandito Herdayanditya equals to Ivan+Dito+Herdayan+ditya what the hell is it? Let's go through it

  • Ivan
    • I just knew what Ivan is from my Kelt's teacher, thanks mam. She said that Ivan is the Russian of John. Who was John? He was one of Jesus's Disciples. "and... frooomm theee right corner... He is JOOOOOOHHHNNN DIITTTOOO"  can you imagine hearing that on a boxing match? 
  • Dito 
    • I once asked my parent about this. They said that Dito was the name of a smart boy and he was said to get the highest Unas score in East Java. what a motivating name.
  • Herdayan
    • Who knows what it is before you go on reading I will give you a large amount of money. My Parents said that Herdayan is an Acronym and It stands for Heri dan Yani. For your information, my father's name is Heri Saptono Warpindyasmoro and my Mother's name is Handayani. this is sweet by the way :) and cool B)
  • Ditya
    • i think this is Sanskrit. I don't have any idea about this, either do my parents.
Many people say Your Name is your Parent's Praying. Thanks Mama and Papa.
Love, Johndito 

*Sorry for my bad english by the way

08 Oktober 2009

CUPUNK=> cupu-cupu ngepunk!!!

wehei iki lho rek grup palinng sangar!!!
cupunk bro!!!

weeh g usa aneh" lah!!!
ini jelas bukan grup yg punya banyak ikan cupang trus ditandingin!!!
ntar dikira judi wah parah!!!
+kamu gimana sih?+

grup ini berdirinya kapan g jelas!!
tapi sampe sekarang masi berdiri!!!

+bukan geng nero yo+

anggota'e sembarang mau gabung boleh tapi ada syaratnya. syaratnya:-bawa kembang 7 rupa trus semedi 5 hari 5 malam nde gua hantu!!
y g lah!!!

ndaftar ae nde fb!!!
cupunk community

wes wes kegiatane yo futsalan joh!!!!
mbe gokil-gokilan!!!
ketua'e norman!!!
grup ini juga punya supir nama'e kapucong (supir bemo)

wes homebase'e (dirahasiakan)
grup ini sangat mencintai damai dan soladaritas!!!
dan sangat nasionalis!!!
ketika ada teman jatuh semua menolong
ketika ada teman susah ditolong
ketika ada teman umbel'e meler juga ditolong bersih'in!!!

wah wes mantab punya dah!!!!!

punya moto juga!!!
"don't be koplo"!!!

28 Februari 2009

sekarang yg suka!!!!

wuih lm tak jumpa everybody!!!!!

kemana ajah???

biasa sibuk!!!

sibuk ap???

maen barbie!!!!

y g lah!!!

sesuai janjiku skarang band yg aku suka!!!!!

The Changcuterz

band ini gilo eh kq gilo gila bos!!!!

lguna g bkin ngantuk!!!

gokil!!! gitar?? skill puna!!!!

kangenband dibawah bnget!!!

weleh" ada lagi yang ciptain lagu hey jude itu lho!!!
sapa lagi kalau bukan the beatle!!!
gila or crazy?

31 Januari 2009

HUHHUHUH ulangan

wah, sebentar lagi aku akan mencret setiap hari!!! why???? oh, no!! sebentar lagi aku ulangan! (sudah jangan nangis!!! aku disini kq) kadang aku g bisa mikir!!! kenapa sich??? ada ulangan teori????

lagian skarang kalau kita ul teori, yang otomatis ya kita hafal teorinya!!! ok! (semua bersorAk) tp how about the pratice in kehidupan sehari-hari??? (dengar itu bu dan pak guru!!!) ak sich lebih suka ul praktek!!! g usa melekan semalam hanya untuk menghafal apa arti lingkungan hidup, UU ini bunyi ayatnya apa!! oh, boring banget kan???

coba kalau ul praktek!!! kan asyik bisa mbuat suatu alat (semua angguk") apalagi kalau prakteknya kelompok!!! woi asyik banget kan???

Skarang aku lagi blajar agama wat besok!!! uHHHHHH!!!

doain ak ya??? (berdoa mulai)